Sermons from Missionaries & Guest Preachers
08/19/20 wed - Mike Manor (1 Corinthians 4:2) Excellence
08/16/20 p.m. -Mike Manor (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 Discernment)
08/16/20 a.m. - Mike Manor (Ephesians 4 - "4 Rules of Communication")
07/19/20 a.m. - Lloyd William (Psalm 33)
01/22/20 p.m. - Dr. George Matzko (The Origin and Purpose of the Moon)
12/01/19 p.m. - Mike Manor (Isaiah 41)
11/03/19 a.m. - Paul Young - "What Happens When You Get Saved"
06/02/19 a.m. Joshua Jensen (Ruth 2:4)
05/23/19 SCS Graduation - Dr. David Boyd (speaker)
03/10/19 a.m. Dan Bergman (Passover Explanation and Demonstration)
01/06/19 a.m. Tom Ashley (Aquila and Priscilla)
11/04/18 p.m. Jim Van Gelderen (Addictions)
11/04/18 a.m. Jim Van Gelderen (Sin of Prayerlessness)
11/04/18 SS Jim Van Gelderen (Believing Believer or Unbelieving Believer?)
08/26/18 p.m. Jim Rumsey (prison missionary)
08/19/18 a.m. Salvador Nava (Philippines) "Personal Evangelism"
04/15/18 a.m. George Matzko - Science in the Book of Job (BJU science teacher)
04/15/18 Sunday School George Matzko - The Age of the Earth
03/04/18 a.m Jeff Davis (EMU Director)
02/25/18 p.m. Elders and Deacons speaking
09/10/10 p.m. Ron DeGarde (Nebuchadnezzar)
09/10/17 a.m. Ron DeGarde (Revival)
09/12/17 p.m. Ron DeGarde (Discouragement)
09/13/17 p.m. Ron DeGarde (music portion only)
08/27/17 p.m. Jim Rumsey
05/14/17 S.S. Dr. Tim Mahler (Mother's Day Sunday School)
04/23/17 p.m. Dr. Tim Mahler
03/05/17 p.m. Cyndi Grover (missionary)
11/02/16 p.m. Mike Manor (special music - Ladies Trio)
11/01/16 p.m. Mike Manor (special music - Steve Rollings)
10/31/16 p.m. Mike Manor (special music - Ray Holland)
10/30/16 p.m. Mike Manor
10/30/16 a.m. Mike Manor
04/03/16 a.m. Phil Prettyman, missionary to Uganda
11/01/15 a.m. Jim Van Gelderen
08/30/15 a.m. Ray Holland
08/02/15 p.m. Jim Rumsey, missionary to prisons
03/22/15 p.m. Mark Vowels, Bob Jones University professor
03/22/15 a.m. Mark Vowels, Bob Jones University professor
03/01/15 a.m. Michael Cole, missionary to France (music Michael and his wife Liz)
01/11/15 a.m Missionary Tom Ashley (Philippines) - Choir "Bow the Knee" and Jennifer Lundy special
12/07/14 a.m. Missionary Chuck Evans (song-Miriam Marritt)
10/12/14 a.m. Missionary Oleg Enskyy (Ukraine)
08/17/14 a.m. Evangelist Adrian Burden (& Ladies Ensemble)
02/23/14 a.m. Watchman - Evangelist Mike Washer (Eze. 33)
08/16/20 p.m. -Mike Manor (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 Discernment)
08/16/20 a.m. - Mike Manor (Ephesians 4 - "4 Rules of Communication")
07/19/20 a.m. - Lloyd William (Psalm 33)
01/22/20 p.m. - Dr. George Matzko (The Origin and Purpose of the Moon)
12/01/19 p.m. - Mike Manor (Isaiah 41)
11/03/19 a.m. - Paul Young - "What Happens When You Get Saved"
06/02/19 a.m. Joshua Jensen (Ruth 2:4)
05/23/19 SCS Graduation - Dr. David Boyd (speaker)
03/10/19 a.m. Dan Bergman (Passover Explanation and Demonstration)
01/06/19 a.m. Tom Ashley (Aquila and Priscilla)
11/04/18 p.m. Jim Van Gelderen (Addictions)
11/04/18 a.m. Jim Van Gelderen (Sin of Prayerlessness)
11/04/18 SS Jim Van Gelderen (Believing Believer or Unbelieving Believer?)
08/26/18 p.m. Jim Rumsey (prison missionary)
08/19/18 a.m. Salvador Nava (Philippines) "Personal Evangelism"
04/15/18 a.m. George Matzko - Science in the Book of Job (BJU science teacher)
04/15/18 Sunday School George Matzko - The Age of the Earth
03/04/18 a.m Jeff Davis (EMU Director)
02/25/18 p.m. Elders and Deacons speaking
09/10/10 p.m. Ron DeGarde (Nebuchadnezzar)
09/10/17 a.m. Ron DeGarde (Revival)
09/12/17 p.m. Ron DeGarde (Discouragement)
09/13/17 p.m. Ron DeGarde (music portion only)
08/27/17 p.m. Jim Rumsey
05/14/17 S.S. Dr. Tim Mahler (Mother's Day Sunday School)
04/23/17 p.m. Dr. Tim Mahler
03/05/17 p.m. Cyndi Grover (missionary)
11/02/16 p.m. Mike Manor (special music - Ladies Trio)
11/01/16 p.m. Mike Manor (special music - Steve Rollings)
10/31/16 p.m. Mike Manor (special music - Ray Holland)
10/30/16 p.m. Mike Manor
10/30/16 a.m. Mike Manor
04/03/16 a.m. Phil Prettyman, missionary to Uganda
11/01/15 a.m. Jim Van Gelderen
08/30/15 a.m. Ray Holland
08/02/15 p.m. Jim Rumsey, missionary to prisons
03/22/15 p.m. Mark Vowels, Bob Jones University professor
03/22/15 a.m. Mark Vowels, Bob Jones University professor
03/01/15 a.m. Michael Cole, missionary to France (music Michael and his wife Liz)
01/11/15 a.m Missionary Tom Ashley (Philippines) - Choir "Bow the Knee" and Jennifer Lundy special
12/07/14 a.m. Missionary Chuck Evans (song-Miriam Marritt)
10/12/14 a.m. Missionary Oleg Enskyy (Ukraine)
08/17/14 a.m. Evangelist Adrian Burden (& Ladies Ensemble)
02/23/14 a.m. Watchman - Evangelist Mike Washer (Eze. 33)