Sermons from the Book of Judges
08/11/19 pm - Judges 20-21 (Wars and Wives)
08/04/19 pm - Judges 17-19 (Compromise, Confusion, and Corruption)
07/28/19 pm - Judges 16 (Samson and Wives #2 & 3)
07/21/19 pm - Judges 14-15 (Samson's and His First Wife)
07/14/19 pm - Judges 13 (Samson, His Beginnings)
07/07/19 pm - Judges 10-12 (A Judge's Vow)
06/23/19 pm - Judges 8-9 (Gideon after Midian)
06/16/19 pm - Judges 7 (God's Battle Plan for Gideon)
06/09/16 pm - Judges 6 (Gideon and the Angel of the Lord)
05/26/19 pm - Judges 5 (The Song of Deborah and Barak)
05/19/19 pm - Judges 4 (Shamgar, Deborah, and Barak)
05/12/19 pm - Judges 3 (The Beginning of the Judges)
05/05/19 pm - Judges 1-2 (Introduction)
08/04/19 pm - Judges 17-19 (Compromise, Confusion, and Corruption)
07/28/19 pm - Judges 16 (Samson and Wives #2 & 3)
07/21/19 pm - Judges 14-15 (Samson's and His First Wife)
07/14/19 pm - Judges 13 (Samson, His Beginnings)
07/07/19 pm - Judges 10-12 (A Judge's Vow)
06/23/19 pm - Judges 8-9 (Gideon after Midian)
06/16/19 pm - Judges 7 (God's Battle Plan for Gideon)
06/09/16 pm - Judges 6 (Gideon and the Angel of the Lord)
05/26/19 pm - Judges 5 (The Song of Deborah and Barak)
05/19/19 pm - Judges 4 (Shamgar, Deborah, and Barak)
05/12/19 pm - Judges 3 (The Beginning of the Judges)
05/05/19 pm - Judges 1-2 (Introduction)